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Ferns and Horsetails (Monilophytes)
Clubmosses and Quillworts (Lycophytes)
Asplenium scolopendrium  •  Hart's Tongue Fern
Asplenium scolopendrium L.; Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newman; Hart's Tongue Fern
Hart's Tongue Fern, Devon, September
Cumbria, July. With Asplenium trichomanes. Underside of fronds showing unripe sori. Cumbria, July
A mass of young fronds colonizing the damp floor of an abandoned chapel, Cornwall, September. Young male fern and bracken are also present. Young fronds in a stone wall, North Yorkshire, July
Young fronds in a stone wall, North Yorkshire, July Plants colonizing a stone wall, North Yorkshire, July
Plants colonizing a stone wall, North Yorkshire, July. With male fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) W Gloucestershire, August
Oxfordshire, early September Oxfordshire, early September
Isles of Scilly, August In limestone pavement with Dryopteris submontana, Cumbria, early July
© Text, images and design copyright Roger Golding unless otherwise stated. Contact e-mail: rg@rogergolding.co.uk