Individual frond. Oxfordshire, late June |
Detail of frond showing pinnae. Oxfordshire, late June |
Pinnae. Oxfordshire, early June. |
Detail showing pinnules. Oxfordshire, early June |
Pinnules showing junction with rhachis. Oxfordshire, late June |
Close-up of junction with rhachis. Oxfordshire, late June |
Pinnae and pinnules. Oxfordshire, early June |
Pinnules. Oxfordshire, early June |
Pinnules. Oxfordshire, early June |
Close-up of junction with rhachis. Oxfordshire, late June |
Underside of frond with sori, approaching ripeness. Hampshire, early July |
Underside of pinnae showing sori. Hampshire, early July |
Underside of pinnules showing sori, approaching ripeness. Hampshire, early July |
Fronds unfurling. Hampshire, early July |
Young frond. Oxfordshire, early June |
Young plant. Oxfordshire, early September |
Oxfordshire, late May |
A mass of tall plants. Essex, June |
On stone wall. North Yorkshire, late July |
On roof of building. Isles of Scilly, late June |
In mortared limestone wall, with Asplenium scolopendrium. North Yorkshire, late July |
City ferns. Oxford, June |
In lightly wooded limestone pavement. Cumbria, early July |
In exposed limestone pavement. Cumbria, early July |