Links to genera Ferns and Horsetails (Monilophytes) Clubmosses and Quillworts (Lycophytes)
Equisetum fluviatile • Water Horsetail
Equisetum fluviatile L.; Water Horsetail
Single stem, Oxfordshire, August |
| Single stem, detail, Oxfordshire, August |
Main stem branch junction. Oxfordshire, August |
| Main stem branch junction. Oxfordshire, August |
Main stem node. Oxfordshire, August |
| Main stem node. Oxfordshire, August |
Detail of branches showing nodes. Oxfordshire, August |
| Detail of branches showing nodes. Oxfordshire, August |
Cone. North Wales, May |
Cones. North Wales, May |
| Section through main stem. Oxfordshire, August |
| North Wales, May |
Forming a distinct layer on the margins of a pond, Oxfordshire, July |
| Oxfordshire, July |
Oxfordshire, July |
| Well-branched plants growing in partial shade. North Yorkshire, late July |
Young plant with developing branches. Hampshire, May |
| Young plant with developing branches. Hampshire, May |