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Ferns and Horsetails (Monilophytes)
Clubmosses and Quillworts (Lycophytes)
Equisetum palustre  •  Marsh Horsetail
Equisetum palustre L.; Marsh Horsetail
Marsh Horsetail, Oxfordshire, September
Mature fertile stem with ripening cone. Main stem branch junction.
Young sterile stem with branches just emerging. Oxfordshire, April Young sterile stem with branches just emerging. Oxfordshire, May
Young sterile stem with branches just emerging. Oxfordshire, May Young fertile stem with cone and side branches starting to develop. Oxfordshire, May
Young sterile and fertile stems. Oxfordshire, May Young fertile stems. Oxfordshire, May
Developing cone. Oxfordshire, May Developing cone. Oxfordshire, April
Lower part of sterile stems. Oxfordshire, April Section through main stem. Oxfordshire, April
Sterile stems emerging. Oxfordshire, April Fertle stem with developing cone emerging. Oxfordshire, April
Fertile stem with cone and branches developing. Oxfordshire, April Oxfordshire, September
County Durham, late July Yorkshire, late July
'Polystachion' variety, Yorkshire, late July 'Polystachion' variety, Yorkshire, late July
'Polystachion' variety, Yorkshire, late July 'Polystachion' variety, Yorkshire, late July
'Polystachion' variety, Yorkshire, late July 'Polystachion' variety (detail), Yorkshire, late July
© Text, images and design copyright Roger Golding unless otherwise stated. Contact e-mail: rg@rogergolding.co.uk