Links to genera Ferns and Horsetails (Monilophytes) Clubmosses and Quillworts (Lycophytes)
Pteridium aquilinum ssp. pinetorum • Pinewood Bracken
Pteridium aquilinum ssp. pinetorum (C.N.Page & R.R.Mill) J.A.Thomson; P. pinetorum C.N.Page & R.R.Mill; P.aquilinum (L.) Kuhn morphotype latiusculum (sensu C.N.Page); P.aquilinum (L.) Kuhn ssp. latiusculum (Desv.) C.N.Page; Pinewood Bracken
Single frond. Cairngorms, early August |
| Single frond. Cairngorms, early August |
Pinnules, lower part of pinna. Cairngorms, early August |
Upper section of pinna. Cairngorms, early August |
Upper section of pinna. Cairngorms, early August |
Pinnules, upper section of pinna, underside showing immature sori. Cairngorms, early August |
Detail of pinnules, mid section of pinna, underside showing immature sori. Cairngorms, early August |
Detail of pinnules, mid section of pinna, underside showing immature sori. Cairngorms, early August |
Detail of pinnules, upper section of pinna, underside showing immature sori. Cairngorms, early August |
Frond unfurling. Cairngorms, early August |
Frond unfurling. Cairngorms, early August |
Cairngorms, early August |
Cairngorms, early August |
Cairngorms, early August |
Cairngorms, early August |
Cairngorms, early August |